In a memo, Vice-Chancellor Mohamed Rajab ordered the students to vacate the premises by 11am on Tuesday which read in part: “Following an acute shortage of water for the last two weeks as a result of the disconnection of supplies to the Kilifi and Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company by the Coast Water Services Board, the University Senate has decided to close the institution until further notice.”

Pwani University Closed

Pwani University was on Tuesday closed down indefinitely after the students protested over lack of water for the last two weeks. 

The acute shortage of the precious commodity is as a result of the disconnection of supplies to the Kilifi and Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company by the Coast Water Services board over a Kshs 1.2 billion debt.

In a memo, Vice-Chancellor Mohamed Rajab ordered the students to vacate the premises by 11am on Tuesday. The memo read  read in part:

“Following an acute shortage of water for the last two weeks as a result of the disconnection of supplies to the Kilifi and Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company by the Coast Water Services Board, the University Senate has decided to close the institution until further notice.”

The latest universities to hit headlines following students’ protests include Egerton University, Maseno University, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Mombasa Technical, Kibabii and Laikipia university.

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